Get set up with recurring and real-time payments today, payments by Worldpay for Platforms
What can I do with a Worldpay for Platforms account?
Creditor Watch Collect partnered with Worldpay for Platforms to make business payments even easier.

Make it easier to get paid, with an embedded Pay Now button so your clients can make payment directly from your invoice.

Stop chasing customers for payments, set up a recurring payment schedule that will debit the funds automatically.

Don't wait days to confirm your payment was successful, with real-time payments, you get notified of a successful payment right away.
Click the button above to start your application with Creditor Watch Collect and Worldpay for Platforms.
A Worldpay for Platforms team member will get in touch with you to finalise any details and process your application.
Once approved you can start processing payments with Worldpay for Platforms, all from within your Creditor Watch Collect app.
Enjoy the benefits of having a better payments solution courtesy of Worldpay for Platforms and Creditor Watch Collect app!
Easy, transparent prices, starting from
1.91% and $0.33c
(per direct debit transaction)
No upfront fees
Low failed transaction fees
Access from within your existing software
Full payments support from a local team of payments experts